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basics of economics

Contributors in Economics


ingadozás; volatilitás

Economy; Economics

The most widely accepted measure of risk in financial markets is the amount by which the price of a security swings up and down. The more volatile the price, the riskier is the security. Not least ...

piacvezetőket követő árképzési stratégia

Economy; Economics

a pricing strategy adopted by firms which copy the market leader's prices.

magas ár stratégiája; lefölöző ár stratégiája

Economy; Economics

a planned approach to pricing, appropriate in situations of inelastic demand, in which an organisation decides to keep its prices high; reasons for such a strategy might include a growing ...

kiszervezés; tevékenységkihelyezés

Economy; Economics

Shifting activities that used to be done inside a firm to an outside company, which can do them more cost-effectively. Big firms have outsourced a growing amount of their business since the early ...

alaptőkéből kifizetett osztalék

Economy; Economics

A capital dividend is a special dividend paid to shareholders of a corporation out of the company's paid-in-capital or shareholders' equity, rather than from the company's earnings, as with regular ...

váratlan nyereség

Economy; Economics

Income you do not expect, such as winning a lottery prize. Economists have long argued about whether people are likely to save such windfalls or spend them. According to the permanent income ...

rendkívüli nyereség

Economy; Economics

A controversial concept, often used by politicians to justify imposing a tax on profit that in theory is earned unexpectedly, through circumstances beyond the control of the company concerned, and is ...

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