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basics of economics

Contributors in Economics


behatoló árazás

Economy; Economics

an approach to pricing in which a manufacturer sets a relatively low price for a product in the introductory stage of its life cycle with the intention of building market share. See Market Skimming ...

alkalmazottak összessége; bérkifizetések

Economy; Economics

Egy adott vállalatnál dolgozó alkalmazottak, vagy a nekik fizetett összegek listája.


Economy; Economics

the average cost per unit of production of a set or group of products; the total cost of production divided by the total number produced; the Unit Cost. See Long-Run Average Cost; Short-Run Average ...

likvid eszköz

Economy; Economics

Olyan eszköz, amely könnyen készpénzzé tehető, és ez minimális hatással van az eszköz árára. A likvid eszközöket általában a készpénzzel megegyezőnek tekintik, mert a nyílt piaci értékesítéskor az ...

alternatív értékelés

Economy; Economics

the stage in the buying decision process in which the buyer uses information gathered to make a final choice between the products in the evoked set. See Evoked set. Alternative Media media vehicles, ...


Economy; Economics

A statement that is being put to the test. In econometrics, economists often start with a null hypothesis that a particular variable equals a particular number, then crunch their data to see if they ...

biztonsági termékvisszarendelés

Economy; Economics

the request by a manufacturer for the return of a particular batch or model of a product (for repair, replacement or credit) when the product has been found to be defective or unsafe.

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