TermWiki Quick Start Guide |
Registering with TermWiki
Although you are able to browse much of the content on TermWiki.com without registering, you can do a lot more as a registered user, such as adding new terms, editing existing ones, as well as asking questions and posting answers. More importantly, as a registered user, you will be able to access many more social networking features such as meeting friends, peers and sharing your photos and knowledge.
Please click here "sign up for a free account" to become an official member of TermWiki's fast-growing user base.
Hogyan lehet bejelentkezni?
If you are already a registered TermWiki member, all you need is click on the "log in" button on the upper right corner and then fill in your correct username and password. Click "Log in" to enter the site. If you haven't registered with TermWiki yet, please go to the "sign up for a free account."
Elfelejtetted a felhasználóneved vagy jelszavad?
If you can't remember your username or password, you can obtain that information with the email address you used when creating your TermWiki account. In the middle of the log in page, there is a button to retrieve your password - "email new password." The system automatically sends a replacement password to the email address you registered with.
How to dress up your personal profile page?
Click on your username to enter the user profile page. From there you can add your quote, personal album and other information.
Hogyan lehet a jelszót megváltoztatni?
Select "Dashboard" on the main navigation menu on the left and then click on "Change password" under "Login / User rights" to change your password.
To browse through terms
In the search bar, enter the term you wish to find and click "go" to be directly transferred to that term's page, or "search" to find all terms that are related to the word you are searching for.
Click on a term to get access to more detailed information.
Additionally, you can search for terms from the "Industry" or "Domain/Category" selections on the left-hand control panel.
To add terms
On the left-hand main menu there are instructions on how to add terms in "Add a New Term."
At the bottom of each term page are related images and video clips to help users better understand the term.
There is also a list of different languages at the bottom of each term page. You can click the language(s) you are interested in to get the term's translation. We also hope you will contribute to terms that do not yet have the translations available in the language you want.
Browse through TermWiki's AnswerBea and ask questions
At the bottom of the main page, you can find the column, "Recently Asked/Answered Questions." Click on the question to get more details about the answers or to contribute an answer.
For more information, please go to the TermWiki Help section.