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space funeral

Personal life; Funeral

A form of burial service that sends the dead body into space instead of burring it on earth. The idea with space funeral is that ...


Nyelv; General language

Exceedingly large of its kind, huge, enormous. It initially started by my mistakenly saying trigantic instead of gigantic, and I ...


Politics; International politics

This is a person or an entity that supports protesters who were at Rabaa Adawiya Mosque in Egypt. This mosque was a symbol for ...


Tools; Paint brush

A made up word meaning pen from a book called Frindle written for children. Frindle is based on a 1996 children's novel written ...


Aerospace; Space flight

北京,中华人民共和国首都、直辖市和国家中心城市,中国的政治、文化、科教和国际交往中心,中国经济、金融的决策和管理中心,中华人民共和国中央人民政府和全国人民代表大会所在地,也是世界上最大的城市。 ...


Mobile communications; Mobile phones

People in East Europe often use this term when they talk about Nokia 3310. Nokia 3310 was released in 2000. Phone received its ...


Arts & crafts; Modern art

The object responsible for the transformation of ideas into tangible reality. Originating from the latin term "omni" (meaning ...

bare reading

Oktatás; Special education

The practice of reading while in the nude. Practioners believe that bare reading allows the mind to be free of the unnecessary ...


Sport; Multiple sports

This is the name given to runners on asphalt and other surfaces, traveling around the world to participate in races and ...


Nyelv; Szleng

If you want to express anger in slang you may use the word "bent" here's an example : " It's OK. Don't get so bent." which means ...


Sociology; Social learning

The term is related to the illegal immigration, which has been the main headline of the north African news. Al harga means ...


Internet; Social media

"Human fidelity": a system of connecting to people around you in public places when the internet is not accessible by wi-fi ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

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