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Political science
The social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government and politics.
Industry: Politics
Új kifejezés hozzáadásaContributors in Political Science
Political science
kollektív felelősség
Politics; Political Science
The responsibility born by everyone who participates in a decision to abide by that decision and be responsible for its consequences. Britain applies the doctrine to its cabinet, which is ...
Politics; Political Science
Political parties in several countries in Europe, including Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. Christian Democrats are usually Roman Catholics, and have had considerable influence ...
Politics; Political Science
Trials held in totalitarian societies that are a travesty of justice and a mockery of a fair trial. The defendants are certain to be convicted, whether guilty or not, the trial merely serving as a ...
politikai menedékjog
Politics; Political Science
The granting of refuge by a state to an individual who has fled his country because of persecution.
Politics; Political Science
The study of the philosophy of the state and of government, or of a particular idea relating to it.
bizalmatlansági indítvány; vádemelés
Politics; Political Science
An accusation of misconduct brought against a person holding public office. The House of Representatives has the sole power to bring charges of impeachment, and the Senate has sole authority to try ...