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Political science
The social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government and politics.
Industry: Politics
Új kifejezés hozzáadásaContributors in Political Science
Political science
szabotálás; szabotázs
Politics; Political Science
Intentional obstruction or destruction of organized activity.
Politics; Political Science
A school of economics in the eighteenth and nineteenth century that was directly opposite to the school of classical economics. Unlike the laissez faire classicists, mercantilists believed in ...
uralkodó osztály
Politics; Political Science
The group of people, as a class, that holds power in any society.
szent tehén
Politics; Political Science
Any principle or thing that is regarded as being beyond attack, or untouchable. Sometimes also called "third rail." In the U.S., the Social Security program used to be considered a sacred cow, and no ...
megtorlás; visszavágás
Politics; Political Science
Revenge or reprisal, on a tit-for-tat basis. Retaliation is the repaying of an attack by an enemy with an attack on him.
Politics; Political Science
A person who advocates or instigates a revolution; that which causes a drastic change in society.
retorika; rábeszélő képesség
Politics; Political Science
The art of persuasive and impressive speaking or writing. Can also mean speech or writing that is elaborate or showy or insincere.