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basics of economics

Contributors in Economics


határidő előtti törlesztésre vonatkozó záradék

Economy; Economics

A clause in some loans allowing the borrower to pay off the debt prior to its due date without incurring a penalty. This is an advantage for a borrower when interest rates are falling, since he/she ...

röhzített árfolyamrendszer

Economy; Economics

Olyan árfolyamrendszer, amelyben egy adott valuta értékét más valutákhoz kötik.


Economy; Economics

Differences in the number of working days between subsequent quarters can significantly affect growth rates. Therefore, a working-day adjustment is usually applied to remove the calendar effect from ...

szezonálisan kiigazított

Economy; Economics

There are seasonal patterns in many economic activities; for instance, there is less construction in winter than in summer, and spending in shops soars as Christmas approaches. To reveal underlying ...


Economy; Economics

There are few more hotly debated topics in economics than what role the state should play in the economy. Plenty of economists provided intellectual support for state intervention during the era of ...

állami kiadások; költségvetési kiadások

Economy; Economics

Spending by national and local government and some government-backed institutions. See fiscal policy, golden rule and budget.

állami kockázat; politikai kockázat

Economy; Economics

Az a fajta kockázat, hogy egy kormány nem fizeti vissza adósságát vagy hitelét garanciája ellenére.

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