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Real estate investment
Industry: Financial services
Új kifejezés hozzáadásaContributors in Real estate investment
Real estate investment
adóköteles jövedelem
Financial services; Real estate investment
Taxable income is a person's estimated income subject to federal, state and local taxation at ordinary rates. It is reported as "taxable income" on the person's federal income tax return without ...
pénzügyi év; üzleti év
Financial services; Real estate investment
A fiscal year is a period of twelve months ending on the last day of any month other than December.
Financial services; Real estate investment
An audit is an examination of an accounting document and the evidence supporting the document in order to determine whether the accounting was properly done.
Financial services; Real estate investment
In real estate practice, depreciation means the loss of value of real property brought about by age, physical deterioration, or functional or economic obsolescence. For the meaning of depreciation in ...
mérleg, számviteli mérleg
Financial services; Real estate investment
A balance sheet is a financial statement which shows the financial position of a business or an individual at a certain point in time.
diszkontált cash flow; diszkontált pénzáramlás
Financial services; Real estate investment
Discounted cash flow is a method of determining the return on an investment by deducting the cash flow from the property. See also internal rate of return and average annual return.
Financial services; Real estate investment
Real estate can be defined as the land and its improvements, while real property refers to the rights and benefits of ownership.