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Labor statistics

Contributors in Labor statistics

Labor statistics

szezonális kiigazítással (számolva)

Labor; Labor statistics

Seasonal adjustment removes the effects of events that follow a more or less regular pattern each year. These adjustments make it easier to observe the cyclical and other nonseasonal movements in a ...

szezonális kiigazítás nélkül

Labor; Labor statistics

This term is used to describe data series that have not been subjected to the seasonal adjustment process. In other words, the effects of regular or seasonal patterns have not been removed from these ...

elbocsátás; leépítés

Labor; Labor statistics

A separation of an employee from an establishment that is initiated by the employer; an involuntary separation; a period of forced unemployment.

csoportos létszámleépítés

Labor; Labor statistics

A situation in which 50 or more persons have filed initial claims for unemployment insurance benefits against an establishment during a consecutive 5-week period.

munkanélküliségi ráta

Labor; Labor statistics

The unemployment rate represents the number unemployed as a percent of the labor force.


Labor; Labor statistics

A temporary stoppage of work by a group of workers (not necessarily union members) to express a grievance or enforce a demand. A strike is initiated by the workers of an establishment.

munka és a magánélet becslések

Labor; Labor statistics

Az egyének fogja tölteni a munkaerő, a halálozási feltételek alapján évek száma becslések munkaero belépési és kilépési arányok, és a demográfiai jellemzői. BLS nem hozta meg a munka és a magánélet ...

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