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1) Any operation that changes the status of a stimulus as a reinforcer or punisher deprivation, satiation, procedures that establish formerly neutral stimuli as conditioned reinforcers or as conditioned aversive stimuli, and stimulus presentations that change the reinforcing or punishing status of other stimuli (e.g., as when an already available screwdriver becomes a reinforcer in the presence of a screw that needs tightening). Establishing operations are sometimes said to produce motivational or drive states within the organism.

2) Consuming a substantial amount of a reinforcer temporarily decreases relevant learning and performance.

3) The repeated receiving of reinforcement. The longer a person talks with peers, the higher his or her degree of satiation with "talking with peers."

"4) As operation. making food available to an organism, possibly until it stops eating.

5) As process. the resulting change in rate, usually a reduction. "

6) The opposite of deprivation. The more frequently a person has received a particular reinforcer in the recent past, the more satiated he or she is.

7) Satiation refers to the procedure of feeding an animal and is to be contrasted with deprivation, the procedure of withholding food. The effectiveness of food as a reinforcer increases with deprivation and decreases with satiation. Some writers, however (see the case of Susan in Chapter Three, Part 11), use the term satiation to refer to the change that occurs in an organism's performance when a large amount of food has been ingested.

8) The reduction in performance or in reinforcer effectiveness that occurs after a large amount of that type of reinforcer has been delivered (usually within a short time period) following the behavior.

9) Repeated presentations of a reinforcer weaken its effectiveness, and for this reason rate of response declines. Satiation refers to this effect, and the repeated presentation of a reinforcer is called a satiation operation.

10) n establishing operation, continued presentation or availability of a reinforcer, that reduces its effectiveness as a reinforcer (or, as a process, the reduction in effectiveness produced by this operation). Satiation may occur as responses are reinforced, or it may be arranged independently of responses. One criterion for satiation with food reinforcers is prefeeding (presenting food for some fixed time or in some fixed amount before a session).

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