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Human genome

The human genome consists of 23 chromosome and the small mitochondrial DNA. 22 of the 23 chromosomes are autosomal chromosome pairs and the last one being a gender-determining pair. In total, the human genome contains the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA and approximately 20,000-25,000 genes. By understanding human genome, scientists are able to develop new medical applications that can significantly advance the state of health care.

Contributors in Human genome

Human genome


Orvosi; Human genome

1) The large arterial trunk that carries blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body. 2) The largest artery in the body. It carries oxygen-rich blood away from the ...

aplastic anaemia

Orvosi; Human genome

Vérszegénység, jellemzi a hibás függvény, a vérképző szervek (például a csontvelőt), és az okozza a toxikus anyagok (a vegyi anyagok vagy x-sugarak), vagy idiopathiás eredetű--hypoplasiás ...


Orvosi; Human genome

1) Temporary absence of breathing or prolonged respiratory failure. 2) Transient cessation of respiration whether normal (as in hibernating animals) or abnormal (as that caused by certain drugs).


Orvosi; Human genome

1) Protein components of lipoproteins which remain after the lipids to which the proteins are bound have been removed; they play an important role in lipid transport and metabolism. 2) The protein ...


Orvosi; Human genome

1) A normal series of events in a cell that leads to its death. 2) Programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells. 3) Apoptosis is the process of ...

alvadásgátló szerek

Orvosi; Human genome

1) Agents that prevent blood clotting. Naturally occurring agents in the blood are included only when they are used as drugs. 2) A drug that helps prevent blood clots from forming. Also called a ...


Orvosi; Human genome

A szekvenciális készlet három nukleotid a transzfer RNS-t, amely együttműködik a annak kiegészítéseként a messenger RNS-t, a kodon, a riboszóma a fordítás során.

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