Alister McGrath
Industry: Religion
Number of terms: 1503
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Professor of Theology, Ministry and Education, and Head of the Center for Theology, Religion and Culture at King's College, London. McGrath has produced a wide range of publications to Christian theology and his engagement with contemporary culture, especially the New Atheism.
Graikijos terminas, kuris pažodžiui reiškia "ateina" arba "atvykimo," vartojamas antrąjį Kristaus atėjimą. Ir parousia sąvoka yra svarbi krikščionių supratimo "paskutinių dalykų. "Matyti p. 466.
Yra Ankstyvosios Christological erezija, kurios laikomos grynai dieviškąją būtybę, kurie turėjo tik "išvaizdą" žmogiškosios Jėzaus Kristaus. Žr. p. 149.
Evangelija pagal Joną. Terminas pabrėžia literatūros ir teologijos skiriamieji šio Evangelijos, kuri išskiria jį iš pirmų trijų evangelijų, paprastai žinomos kaip esančioje evangelijose bendras struktūras.
Terminas, iš pradžių naudojamas perduoti besiformuojanti reformuojant judesiai, ypač Vokietijoje ir Šveicarijoje, kad 1510s ir 1520s. Terminas vėliau pakeistas "Protestantų" Amerikos Speyer dietos. Šiais laikais, terminas atėjo būti naudojamas didelių judėjimo, ypač anglų kalba teologija, kuri ypač daug dėmesio aukščiausios valdžios raštas ir atoning Kristaus mirties.
Būdvardis vartojamas pirmasis šimtmečius istorija bažnyčios, po Naujojo Testamento ("Patrystyczny laikotarpis"), arba mokslininkai raštu per šį laikotarpį raštu ("Patrystyczny rašytojai"). Daugelis rašytojams, tokiu būdu paskirtą atrodo, kad c. 100-451 (kitaip tariant, laikotarpį nuo paskutinės iš Naujojo Testamento raštijos sukūrimas ir Chalkedono Tarybos) laikotarpį.
Formalaus apibrėžimo arba santrauką krikščionių tikėjimą, turimų bendrai visiems krikščionims. Svarbiausia yra visuotinai žinomas kaip "Apaštalų tikėjimo išpažinimą" ir "Nicejsko-konstantynopolitańskie creed. "
Svarog is the god of the blacksmith and the father of Dažbog, a Slavic solar deity, so some think that Svarog is the Slavic god of celestial fire and of blacksmithing. Folklore portrays him as a fire serpent, a winged dragon that breathes fire. His animals are a golden horned ox, a boar, a horse, and a falcon named Varagna. Other consider him the Slavic sun god and spirit of fire; his name means bright and clear. The name may be related to Sanskrit Svarga and Persian xwar (pron. Chvar) both meaning the same thing, indicating Indo-European etymological relation. So sacred was the fire that it was forbidden to shout or swear at it while it was being lit. According to some interpretations the fire-god Svarožič was the son of Svarog. In neo-paganist religions, Svarog is often the supreme god-creator and the central part of the (holy) trinity Triglav. He completed the creation of the world by giving it Prav.
The number one is used throughout the bible. It is used to indicate God Himself, "The one true God." It is also used to denote indipendence or even unity, as what is one cannot be divided (as marriage is supposed to be). It announces the beginning of things, as in the first day of creation, or the first commandment, saying: "Thou shalt have no other gods besides me." This makes its way back to One God.
As the number one means unity, two would be division. It may imply both rise and fall, and two things are abound to occur. Just as there were two trees in the garden of Eden to choose from, Tree of life and Knowledge of good and evil, and the one that was not to be touched, was touched. It has been said that this number is related to "Revelation" as well, as it is associated with war and destruction, and end times.
Signifying the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), 3 is the number of divine completeness and perfection. It also means growth and increase. In the bible, Jesus Christ asks Peter "Do you love me?" 3 times, covering the three levels of the mind: subconscious, superconscious, and the concious mind. Jesus Christ was also denied by Peter 3 times, and He rose from the grave after 3 days, and He was one of 3 that we crucified on the day (between 2 thieves), at the third hour. Satan tempts Jesus 3 times before giving up. On the third day of creation the earth is made. The bible records Jesus raising 3 people from the dead. There are 3 angels who are named in the bible: Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer. Many more references are made concerning Jesus Christ and the number 3.