Home > Blossary: Historical Terms


293 Terms

Created by: melisa

Number of Blossarys: 2

Collected Terms

It began in 1402, when chaos reigned in the Ottoman Empire following the defeat of Sultan Bayezid I by the Turco-Mongol warlord Timur (Tamerlane). Although Mehmed Çelebi was confirmed as sultan by ...

Domain: History; Kategória: World history

Sultan Abdülhamid II otokratik rejimini devirmek için talip liberal görüşlü öğrencilerin Istanbul Kraliyet askeri tıp fakültesinde yapılan gizli bir daire idi.Kendisi Osmanlı Devleti dağılma dönemi ...

Domain: History; Kategória: World history

It was a secret circle of liberal-minded students in the imperial military medical school in Istanbul who aspired to overthrow the autocratic regime of Sultan Abdülhamit II.It was transformed into a ...

Domain: History; Kategória: World history

Olarak da bilinen Kemalizm'i Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin temel özelliklerini tanımlayan ilkesidir. Bu ilkeleri Cumhuriyetçilik, halkçılık, laiklik, reformizm, milliyetçilik ve diğer vardır. Mustafa Kemal ...

Domain: History; Kategória: World history

Also known as Kemalism is the principle that defines the basic characteristics of the Republic of Turkey. These principals are republicanism, populism, secularism, reformism, nationalism and statism. ...

Domain: History; Kategória: World history

Alparslan Türkeş sağ milliyetçi hareket Partisi kurucusu olan yayımlanan 9 ışık doktrini Türkiye'deki ana milliyetçi ideoloji temelinde kurulan 1965 liste dokuz temel ilkeleri başlıklı, siyasi bir ...

Domain: History; Kategória: World history

Alparslan Türkeş, who is the founder of the far right Nationalist Movement Party, released a political pamphlet titled The Nine Lights Doctrine in 1965 listing nine basic principles that formed the ...

Domain: History; Kategória: World history

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