Kategória: Engineering
Created by: technicaltranslator
Number of Blossarys: 1
In Turkish, "sıkıştırma oranı". The volume of the combustion chamber and cylinder when the piston is at the bottom of its stroke, divided by the volume of the combustion chamber and cylinder when the ...
In Turkish, "kaster açısı". The forward or backward tilt of the steering axis as viewed from the side. If the point of load is ahead of the point of contact, the caster angle is positive. The ...
In Turkish, "kamber açısı". The inward or outward angle which a front-wheel spindle makes with a vertical line, as viewed by either the front or the rear of the vehicle. Positive camber results ...
In Turkish, "sınırlı kaymalı diferansiyel". A differential in a rear-drive vehicle fitted with a mechanism that limits the speed and torque differences between its two outputs. Limited slip ensures ...
In Turkish, "egzoz gazı resirkülasyonu". An exhaust-emission control system in which a portion of the exhaust gas is picked up from the exhaust manifold and sent back to the intake manifold t be ...
In Turkish, "silindir kapağı". The removable part of the engine that attaches to the cylinder block directly above the cylinders. The head is cast from aluminum or iron and houses the combustion ...
In Turkish, "katalitik konvertör" or "katalizör". Often simply called a "catalyst", this is a stainless steel canister that is part of a vehicle's exhaust system and contains a thin layer of ...