Kategória: Languages
Created by: evergreen1225
Number of Blossarys: 6
An unpleasant or disappointing experience. One that depresses, frustrates, or disappoints.
Sleight of hand is methods and techniques used by performing artists in many art forms to entertain or manipulate. It is closely associated and often mistaken for close-up magic, card cheating and ...
Without giving it too much thought or without precise knowledge.
Тот, кто имеет молодцом отображает мужество перед лицом невзгод, или осуществляет большую сдержанность в выражении эмоций. Фраза чаще всего слышится как частью идиома «держать молодцом» и традиционно ...
One who has a stiff upper lip displays fortitude in the face of adversity, or exercises great self-restraint in the expression of emotion. The phrase is most commonly heard as part of the idiom "keep ...
Infer an unexpressed meaning. An early method of transmitting written coded messages was to write the secret information in invisible ink between the lines of a document. The recipient would then ...
Too deeply involved with someone or something, beyond what one can deal with.
By: evergreen1225