Created by: muellema
Number of Blossarys: 7
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A fall seasonal beverage popular in the United States. Based off of the standard Café Latte recipe, pumpkin sauce is added to the beverage first and then finished with a topping of whipcream and ...
An espresso beverage with steamed milk sweetened by white mocha sauce and a dollop of foam on top. The shot(s) of espresso are then poured through the foam and into the drink before being finished ...
An espresso beverage that is all steamed milk sweetend with vanilla syurp and then topped with foam. The shot(s) of espresso are then poured through the foam and into the drink before being finshed ...
An espresso beverage that all steamed milk sweetend with vanilla syurp and then topped with foam. The shot(s) of espresso are then poured through the foam and into the drink before being finshed with ...
A 'pure' espresso beverge which is shot(s) of espresso topped with a dollop of steamed milk and foam.
An espresso beverage that is half steamed milk and half foam. A dry cappuccino changes this ratio to 1/4 steamed milk and 3/4 foam while a wet cappuccino is 3/4 steamed milk and 1/4 foam. Additional ...
An espresso beverge that is predominatly steamed milk with a dollap of foam on top. Additional syurp flavors can be added for preference.
By: muellema