Home > Blossary: South African Politicians
Here is a list of some of the famous politicians in the Republic of South Africa

Category: Politics

4 Terms

Created by: rufaro9102

Number of Blossarys: 41

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Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki ; born 18 June 1942 is a South African politician who served nine years as the second post-apartheid President of South Africa from 14 June 1999 to 24 September 2008.On 20 September 2008, with about nine months left in his second term, Mbeki announced his resignation after being recalled by the African National Congress's National Executive Committee, following a conclusion by Judge Nicholson of improper interference in the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), including the prosecution of Jacob Zuma for corruption.On 12 January 2009, the Supreme Court of Appeal unanimously overturned Judge Nicholson's judgment but the resignation stood. Thabo Mbeki was the executive face of government in South Africa from 1994. During his time in office the economy grew at an average rate of 4.5% per year. Mbeki created employment in the middle sectors of the economy and oversaw a fast-growing black middle class with the implementation of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). This growth exacerbated the demand for trained professionals strained by emigration due to violent crime, but failed to address unemployment amongst the unskilled bulk of the population. He attracted the bulk of Africa's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and made South Africa the focal point of African growth. He was the architect of NEPAD whose aim is to develop an integrated socio-economic development framework for Africa.

Domain: Politics; Category: General politics

Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki; født 18 juni 1942 er en sydafrikansk politiker ni år som andet post-apartheid formand of South Africa fra 14 juni 1999 til 24 September 2008.On 20 September 2008, med omkring ni måneder tilbage i sin anden valgperiode, Mbeki annoncerede sin afskedsbegæring efter tilbagekaldes af African National Congress ' s nationale hovedbestyrelse, efter en konklusion af dommer Nicholson of upassende indblanding i nationale retsforfølgende myndighed (NPA), herunder forfølgelse af Jacob Zuma for korruption.På 12 januar 2009, den canadiske højesteret enstemmigt omstødte dommer Nicholson ' s dom men fratræden stod. Thabo Mbeki blev executive over for regeringen i Sydafrika fra 1994. Under sin tid i office voksede økonomien med en gennemsnitlig hastighed på 4,5% pr. år. Mbeki skabt beskæftigelse i de midterste sektorer af økonomien og overså en hurtigt voksende sort middelklasse med gennemførelsen af sort økonomiske Empowerment (BI). Denne vækst forværres efterspørgslen efter uddannede fagfolk belastet af udvandring på grund af voldelig kriminalitet, men undlod at adresse arbejdsløshed blandt ufaglærte hovedparten af befolkningen. Han tiltrak hovedparten af Afrika ' s udenlandske direkte investeringer (FDI) og lavet Sydafrika omdrejningspunktet for afrikanske vækst. Han var arkitekten bag NEPAD, hvis formål er at udvikle en integreret udvikling af socio-økonomiske ramme for Afrika.

Domain: Politics; Category: General politics

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