Home > Blossary: Architecture contemporaine
Base de données terminologique créée dans le cadre du cours de terminologie du Master2 DTIC à l'UBS de Vannes, France.


48 Terms

Created by: Kizsok

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Commercial organisation that provides a set of services in architecture. It oftens gathers several architects.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Komercialna organizacija, ki ponuja nabor storitev v arhitekturi. Pogosto svoje delo tako združuje več arhitektov.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Steel is an alloy that consists mostly of iron and carbon.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Jeklo je zlitina, ki je večinoma sestavljena iz železa in ogljika.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services : local end eco-friendly material, tight building design, including energy-efficient windows, well-sealed doors, additional thermal insulation of walls and roof, ventilation, basement slabs, and foundations can reduce heat loss.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Cilj prizadevanj, za zmanjšanje količine energije, potrebne, za zagotavljanje proizvodov in storitev: lokalni in končni okolju prijazen material, načrtovanje nepropustnih stavb, vključno z energetsko učinkovitimi okni, dobro zatesnjenimi vrati, dodatno toplotno izolacijo sten in strehe, prezračevanjem, kletnimi ploščami in temelji, ki lahko zmanjšjo toplotne izgube.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air, around a closed space. A mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Dejanje dobave svežega zraka in odprava slabega kroženjem v zaprtem prostoru. Mehanski sistem v stavbi, ki zagotavlja svež zrak.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

1. The act of improving by renewing and restoring 2. The state of being restored to its former good condition.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

1. Akt izboljšanja z obnovitvijo in obnavljanjem 2. Stanje povrnitve v prejšnje dobro stanje.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

the frame that supports a door, or a window (window frame).

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

okvir, ki podpira vrata ali okna (okenski okvir).

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Designed for or adapted to a function or use.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Izdelano za ali prilagojeno funkciji oziroma namenu uporabe.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The side of a building that is seen first, or generally a side of a building.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Strana stavbe, ki se prva opazi ali na splošno strana stavbe.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Used to refer to goods considered to inflict minimal or no harm on the environment.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Uporablja se za sklicevanje na blago, za katero šteje, da povzroča minimalno ali nič škode na okolje.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A contest for some prize, honor, or advantage. In the building industry an architecture competition is a contest between architects to obtain a prize for the conceptual work or an order to make a building.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Natečaj za nekatere nagrade, časti ali prednosti. V gradbeništvu, konkurenca arhitektov je tekmovanje med arhitekti za pridobitev nagrade za konceptualno delo ali nalogo, ali naročilo za gradnjo objekta.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Concrete is a composite building material made from the combination of aggregate and a binder such as cement.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Beton je sestavni, gradbeni material, ki je narejen iz kombinacije agregata in veziva, kot je na primer cement.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A worker who has special skills in the building industry. A builder can be mason, electrician, plumber, painter, carpenter...

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Delavec, ki ima posebna znanja v gradbeništvu. Graditelj je lahko zidar, električar, vodovodar, pleskar, mizar...

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

special procedure for generating competing offers from different bidders looking to obtain an award of business activity in architecture, design, town-planning or landscape architecture.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Poseben postopek za zbiranje konkurenčnih ponudb od različnih ponudnikov, ki želijo, pridobiti možnost za poslovno dejavnost v arhitekturi, načrtovanju, mestnem planiranju ali krajinski arhitekturi.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Commercial organisation that provides a set of services in architecture. It oftens gathers several architects.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Komercialna organizacija, ki zagotavlja nabor storitev, v arhitekturi. Pogosto tako svoje delo združuje več arhitektov.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Furnishings, instrumentalities that make a room or other area ready for occupancy.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Oprema, pripomočki, ki naredijo, da je prostor ali drugo območje, pripravljeno za nastanitev.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan).

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Izdelovanje oblike nečesa (kot z izdelovanjem skice, ali orisa ali načrta).

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The process of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling the production of a building.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Proces načrtovanje, organizacije, kadrovanja, usmerjanja in nadzora, gradnje objekta.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A formal organization of architects, which aim is to inform and to write texts that govern the profession.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Formalna organizacija arhitektov, katere cilj je, obveščanje in pisno strokovno promoviranje in urejanje tega poklica.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

An engenier who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively. He accomodates the landscape according to the history of the area, the existing buildings, the purpose of the area.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Inženir, ki atraktivno organizira značilnosti pokrajine ali vrta. On prilagaja videz pokrajine glede na zgodovino območja, obstoječe zgradbe, namen področja.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

1. relating to rural areas 2. living in or characteristic of farming or country life

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

1. nanaša se na podeželje 2. živijo v ali imajo značilnost kmetovanja ali življenja na podeželju

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

1.Located in or characteristic of a city or city life. 2.Relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

1. Nahaja se v ali ima značilnost mesta ali mestnega življenja. Nanaša se ali zadeva mesto ali gosto naseljena območja.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

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