Created by: stanley soerianto
Number of Blossarys: 107
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拉斐爾 (指"它是能治癒的上帝","上帝能治癒"、"上帝,請癒合") 是大天使的猶太教和基督教,猶太教-基督教傳統中執行所有禮儀的癒合。在伊斯蘭教中,拉斐爾是第四次重大天使 ;在穆斯林的傳統,他被稱為 Israfil。拉斐爾是 Tobit 書是由天主教、 東正教、 和一些 Anglo-Catholics 接受作為規範,所述和公共教學由路德教派和英國聖公會教徒一樣有用。拉斐爾是一般關聯與在約翰福音 ...
Raphael (means "It is God who heals", "God Heals", "God, Please Heal") is an archangel of Judaism and Christianity, who in the Judeo-Christian tradition performs all ...
Metatron or Mattatron is an archangel in Judaism and in Christian folklore. According to Jewish medieval apocrypha, he is Enoch, ancestor of Noah, transformed into an angel. There are no references ...
In Abrahamic religions, Gabriel(means God is my strength) is an angel who typically serves as a messenger sent from God to the choosen one.
An archangel is an angel of high rank. Beings similar to archangels are found in a number of religious traditions; but the word "archangel" itself is usually associated with the Abrahamic ...