Category: Autos
Created by: Johna04
Number of Blossarys: 1
Maximum amount of stress in pounds per square inch to which a frame may be subjected through loading and return to its original shape upon removal of the stress with no deformation.
Vehicle’s rotation about its vertical axis. Excessive yaw rate is often referred to as fishtailing.
Distance between the center points of the front and rear wheels.
* Weight ratings are not actual weights, they are ratings that must be adhered to when the vehicle is in use. Payload Rating * Advertised payload rating. It is the maximum allowable payload for the ...
Portion of a vehicle’s total weight that will be supported by each axle and each tire. Proper distribution of vehicle weight is critical to braking, handling and to the service life of components ...
* Curb Weight * Weight of the vehicle including standard equipment, oil, lubricants and a full tank of fuel. Does not include optional contents or other optional equipment, the weight of driver, ...
* Used in conjunction with a hitch platform (receiver), distributes tongue weight to all towing vehicle and trailer wheels * Required for certain Class III and all Class IV applications * ...